Starting to grow old
Gets to be a drain,
The mind is always
Racing but the body
Just remains.
Going to the gym is
All about working out
But go look in that
Damn mirror and
All you see is
Trying on those old
Jeans that use to
Look real cool, but
The button won’t
Go in that hole
And you look like
Some old fool. You
Know you put things
Somewhere, a place
You won’t forget,
Then you try and
Remember and can’t
Find them on a bet.
It seems that loss
Of memory is equal
To weight gained,
You keep on getting
Older but some things
Remain the same.
It’s all about the mind,
Ready to go on a tare,
But the body lags behind
Screaming “Hey, slow down,
I’m too old and this just isn’t fair.”