Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I walk the path again,
One that you and 
I have travelled.
The streets, teaming 
With people and
Surrounded by all 
The sounds and smells
The city has to offer.
I search for your image
In a shop window, hoping
To catch a glimpse of
Your carefree smile, an
Easy laugh playing on your lips.
I ask "where are you?"
Knowing the answer is
A pain deep in my heart.
I long for your kisses and
The soft caresses in the night.
Walking slowly, I imagine
The moon casting a gentle light
On your tender face, its image
Reflected in your hazel eyes.
You are always there, a reminder of
Eternal love and life long caring.
The memory of your smile dries
My lonely tears and offers a glow
That keeps my hopes alive for
A love not lost or forgotten

1 comment:

  1. Much grief felt here...bless you. I hope you find some light.
